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Fruit and Vegetable Diet

Most of us know just how healthy fruit and vegetables are, yet for some reason many of us simply don’t get enough in our everyday diets. If you feel as though your health may be lacking in this area then starting a fruit and vegetable diet is a fantastic choice of new year’s resolution.

Using The Fruit and Vegetable Diet As A New Year Detox

The fruit and vegetable diet can mean a few different things. One option is to eat only fruit and vegetables as a way to detox as a way to start your new year’s weight loss resolution. By cleansing your body for a period of around two weeks, you’ll be giving your weight loss efforts a head start. You’ll cleanse your body of toxins and help to rid yourself of unhealthy eating habits. But be warned – this kind of diet isn’t easy and you should always see a doctor before you get started!

If you want a more long term diet plan then opt to simply include a greater number of fruits and vegetables in your every day diet. Aside from the fruits and vegetables, you should make sure that the rest of your diet remains balanced.

What Are The Benefits Of A Fruit And Vegetable Diet?

There are a number of benefits of incorporating more fruits and veg in your diet. For a start, they are very high in fiber. In turn this can impact your health by helping to control blood glucose levels, keeping your digestive system running smoothly, reducing the risk of some cancers and reducing cholesterol levels.

Fruit and vegetables also contain a huge number of vitamins and minerals that we need for our bodies to function properly. These help to prevent a whole range of diseases and health conditions and keep us as healthy as possible.

What Should You Be Eating?

As part of a standard diet, you should be getting at least five portions of fruit and veg every day – and these should come from a wide range of different sources. Eating them fresh means you’ll get the greatest benefit, though you can incorporate dried fruits into your diet if it helps. Remember the general rule – the more colorful the vegetables on your plate, the more healthy your meal is.

Many of us aren’t simply getting what we need, so starting a fruit and vegetable diet is certainly a good resolution to make for the new year. If you’re finding it difficult then try to make things easier by drinking smoothies and making soups. Your body will thank you for it!

Communicating with someone who is suffering from depression can be challenging, as it can be difficult to know what to say or how to act. However, it is important to remember that your words and actions can have a significant impact on their mental health and well-being. Here are some tips for communicating with someone who is struggling with depression:

  1. Listen without judgment: Let them express their feelings and emotions without interrupting or dismissing them. Show empathy and understanding, and avoid criticizing or judging their thoughts and actions.

  2. Offer support: Let them know that you are there for them and that they are not alone. Offer to help them in any way that you can, whether it be through listening, providing practical support, or accompanying them to therapy appointments.

  3. Avoid giving advice: While it may be tempting to offer solutions or advice, it is important to recognize that depression is a complex condition that requires professional help. Instead, encourage them to seek support from a healthcare professional.

  4. Be patient: Recovery from depression takes time, and it is important to be patient and understanding. Avoid pressuring them to "snap out of it" or rushing their recovery process.

  5. Practice self-care: Supporting someone with depression can be emotionally taxing, so it is important to take care of your own mental health as well. Set boundaries, seek support from others, and prioritize your own self-care.

  6. Validate their feelings: Depression can be a lonely and isolating experience, so it is important to validate their feelings and let them know that it is okay to feel the way they do. Encourage them to express their emotions and offer reassurance that their feelings are valid and important.

  7. Encourage healthy habits: While it may not cure depression, maintaining healthy habits such as regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep can help improve mental health and well-being. Encourage them to engage in these habits and offer to participate with them if possible.

In summary, communicating with someone who is struggling with depression requires patience, empathy, and understanding. By listening without judgment, offering support, avoiding giving advice, being patient, practicing self-care, validating their feelings, and encouraging healthy habits, you can help support them through their recovery process.

Make The Ultimate Green Smoothie

Published on 01/26/2020

Make The Ultimate Green Smoothie

When you’ve gone to the gym, one of the most important things to do afterward is replenish your body. Aside from drinking enough water, it’s important to eat something rich in protein and carbs. The reason for this is eating foods full of protein and carbs right after a workout – within half an hour or so – will help increase muscle growth and also aid your body with recovering from the workout. If you’re looking for a quick and easy post-workout meal to eat, a smoothie is the perfect solution. Not only is it super simple to make, but it has all the nutrients your body needs to replenish your energy after exercising. You might be wondering which smoothie to have – there are seemingly endless options around. Well, we found the ultimate smoothie that will make a great post-workout meal. The ingredients in this recipe have all the nutrients you need to recover properly from your workout. The fruits have plenty of carbs along with vitamins and minerals, while the protein powder, obviously, has the amount you need. To top it off, the spirulina is full of antioxidants and the almonds will help you feel full for longer.

What You’ll Need

To make this delicious and nutritious smoothie, you’ll need:

  • 1 banana – fresh or frozen
  • 1/2 cup mango – fresh or frozen
  • A handful of fresh leafy greens – spinach or kale
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 tbsp protein powder
  • A handful of almonds
  • 1/2 tsp spirulina (optional)
  • 1/3 cup liquid of choice (almond, soy, coconut, or regular milk, etc.)

How To Make It

This part is simple: cut up all the fruits and veggies and put everything in a blender. Then, blend it all until smooth! The trick is putting in the fresh and soft fruits first followed by the frozen fruits for it to blend more easily. Serve and enjoy!