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Fruit and Vegetable Diet

Most of us know just how healthy fruit and vegetables are, yet for some reason many of us simply don’t get enough in our everyday diets. If you feel as though your health may be lacking in this area then starting a fruit and vegetable diet is a fantastic choice of new year’s resolution.

Using The Fruit and Vegetable Diet As A New Year Detox

The fruit and vegetable diet can mean a few different things. One option is to eat only fruit and vegetables as a way to detox as a way to start your new year’s weight loss resolution. By cleansing your body for a period of around two weeks, you’ll be giving your weight loss efforts a head start. You’ll cleanse your body of toxins and help to rid yourself of unhealthy eating habits. But be warned – this kind of diet isn’t easy and you should always see a doctor before you get started!

If you want a more long term diet plan then opt to simply include a greater number of fruits and vegetables in your every day diet. Aside from the fruits and vegetables, you should make sure that the rest of your diet remains balanced.

What Are The Benefits Of A Fruit And Vegetable Diet?

There are a number of benefits of incorporating more fruits and veg in your diet. For a start, they are very high in fiber. In turn this can impact your health by helping to control blood glucose levels, keeping your digestive system running smoothly, reducing the risk of some cancers and reducing cholesterol levels.

Fruit and vegetables also contain a huge number of vitamins and minerals that we need for our bodies to function properly. These help to prevent a whole range of diseases and health conditions and keep us as healthy as possible.

What Should You Be Eating?

As part of a standard diet, you should be getting at least five portions of fruit and veg every day – and these should come from a wide range of different sources. Eating them fresh means you’ll get the greatest benefit, though you can incorporate dried fruits into your diet if it helps. Remember the general rule – the more colorful the vegetables on your plate, the more healthy your meal is.

Many of us aren’t simply getting what we need, so starting a fruit and vegetable diet is certainly a good resolution to make for the new year. If you’re finding it difficult then try to make things easier by drinking smoothies and making soups. Your body will thank you for it!

5 Foods to Boost Your Eye Health

You’ve likely been told at one time or another that if you want healthy eyes, you need to eat carrots. And while the old adage has some truth to it because the beta carotene in carrots is converted to vitamin A – a vitamin that is needed for optimum eye health — there are other, and perhaps even better foods to eat. Here are some of those foods:

1. Spinach

Spinach as well as other dark, leafy greens like kale contain two antioxidants stored in the macula which is that part of the retina that shields the eyes from damaging light. These antioxidants are lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein is a deep yellow pigment found in the leaves of plants, and zeaxanthin a carotenoid found in the retina of the eye and in many plants like spinach.

And since the eye has a particularly high metabolic rate – as in, they ust a lot of energy – there is an added need for antioxidant protection.

Breast lumps or masses are a common concern among many women. While most breast lumps are non-cancerous and not harmful, it is important to seek medical attention if you notice any changes in your breasts.

Breast lumps can have a variety of causes, including hormonal changes, infections, cysts, fibroadenomas, and breast cancer. In some cases, breast lumps may be caused by breast tissue that is dense or fibrous, making it more difficult to detect changes.

Breast cancer is a serious concern and can be life-threatening if not detected and treated early. Women should perform monthly breast self-exams and seek medical attention if they notice any changes in their breasts such as lumps, swelling, or discharge.

In addition to breast self-exams, regular mammograms and clinical breast exams are important for early detection of breast cancer. Women should talk to their healthcare providers about when to start and how often to have these screenings based on their age and risk factors.

While most breast lumps are not harmful, it is important to seek medical attention if you notice any changes in your breasts. Your healthcare provider can perform a breast exam, order diagnostic tests, and provide guidance on the best course of action based on your individual situation.